Monday, September 5, 2011

The Handmade Tweet

It's been a long time since I updated my blog. Life has gotten in the way lately but I'm still active in the handmade community and it's a shame not to share some of the wonderful creations I've seen from some very talented artists. I'm going to start off with a genre near and dear to my heart, Steampunk. And what's steampunk without an awesome watch? Pocket watch or wrist watch it has to be geartastic and this collection all the way from South Korea are by far the most stunningly beautiful handmade watches I've seen.

Marrianne's Handcrafted Watch Studio's
Shop Announcement:

"All of our time pieces are handmade at our studio, where our team of five artisans combines fine, traditional Korean craftsmanship with sterling quality and stunningly unique design."

Unique is an understatement. Check out this one. I'd be hard pressed to pick my favorite but this one would certainly be in the running. You can visit their shop on etsy by clicking on the picture below.

steampunk pure handmade watch MECHTOPIA 3 

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